How University of the Pacific ranks
University of the Pacific, California's first university, 提供私立大学的学术严谨性, 一所大学校的资源和便利设施以及一小群正规博彩十大网站排名的个人关注.
太平洋航空公司的使命是提供一种优越的, 以学生为中心的学习体验,整合文科和专业教育,为个人在职业生涯和社区中取得持久成就和负责任的领导做好准备.
University of the Pacific, California's first university, 提供私立大学的学术严谨性, 一所大学校的资源和便利设施以及一小群正规博彩十大网站排名的个人关注.
太平洋航空公司的使命是提供一种优越的, 以学生为中心的学习体验,整合文科和专业教育,为个人在职业生涯和社区中取得持久成就和负责任的领导做好准备.
# 1 in career earnings
(U.S. News & World Report, 2023)
U.S. News & World Report, 2022
The Princeton Review, 2021
preLaw Magazine, 2022
U.S. News & World Report, 2022
U.S. News & World Report, 2022
Student/Faculty ratio
Average class size
By Campus |
Sacramento | 1,136 |
San Francisco | 757 |
Stockton | 4,862 |
Total | 6,755 |
Universitywide |
Undergraduate | 3,297 |
Graduate | 1,884 |
Professional | 1,577 |
Total | 6,755 |
Enrollment as of Fall 2023
Undergrad Demographics |
Female | 54.8% |
Male | 44.8% |
None Reported | 0.4% |
American Indian/Alaskan Native | 0.2% |
Asian | 33.9% |
Black, non-Hispanic | 3.1% |
Hispanic/Latino | 26.7% |
夏威夷原住民/其他太平洋岛民 | 0.5% |
White, non-Hispanic | 16.1% |
Multi-ethnic | 5.3% |
International | 7.6% |
Origin |
California | 82.5% |
Out of State | 8.6% |
International | 7.6% |
Unknown | 1.2% |
Demographics as of Fall 2023
Admissions |
Average SAT | 1282 |
Average High School GPA | 3.63 |
Admissions for Fall 2023
Degrees Conferred (2022–23) |
Bachelor's | 899 |
Master's | 421 |
Doctoral | 81 |
Professional | 498 |
Degrees conferred as of Oct. 18, 2023
Faculty & Staff |
全职和兼职教学人员 | 829 |
全职和兼职非教学人员 | 1,120 |
As of fall 2022
At six months after graduation, 91% of Class of 2020 graduates who responded to a survey were:
† As of 10/01/19
* As of 9/18/23
正规博彩十大网站在学生服务方面有着悠久的传统, 教职员工通过课堂和志愿者的经历对我们的社区产生影响, including:
Pharmacy: Thomas J. 2020年,朗药学院的学生在一家虚拟医疗保险D部分诊所帮助了811名受益人. Also, 196名药学博士一年级学生接受免疫培训和认证, 让他们做好协助注射流感疫苗和COVID-19疫苗的准备.
Law Clinics: Since March 2020, 麦乔治法学院的学生已经为大约100名老年人和健康法客户提供服务, 40 bankruptcy clients, 122名移民客户,83名被控联邦犯罪. 他们帮助调解了16起监狱和囚犯之间的民权纠纷,并参与了9项立法.
Dental clinics: 杜戈尼牙科学院的学生和教师服务超过17个,200个病人,管理了77个,2019-2020年,旧金山和联合城诊所的330名患者就诊.
太平洋医疗的大多数学生受益于无数的体验机会,例如在太平洋医疗的诊所工作, 在社区教音乐,在国外学习期间工作.
Currently, 75% 正规博彩十大网站的本科生中有一半参加了体验式学习课程. 一个突出的例子是 工程与计算机科学学院, where for more than 50 years, 学生可透过本课程,在企业及公共机构获得实际工作经验 合作教育项目.
Dave Brubeck ’42 — Musician and composer
Pete Carroll ’73, ’78 - NFL超级碗冠军教练,西雅图海鹰队
Janet Leigh ’47 — Actress
Alex Spanos ’48 -房地产开发商和NFL老板,圣地亚哥闪电队
Connie Callahan ’74 — Judge of the U.S. 第九巡回上诉法院
Scott Boras ’77, ’82 — Baseball sports agent
Arif Alvi ’84 — President of Pakistan
Jose Hernandez ’85 — Former NASA astronaut
Jie Du ’90, ’93 — Pharmaceutical entrepreneur
Chris Isaak ’80 — Musician and actor
Ted B. Olson ’62 — Attorney and 42nd U.S. solicitor general
Irene Roberts ’06 -柏林德意志歌剧院女中音
Tom Flores ’58 -职业橄榄球名人堂入选者,NFL超级碗冠军教练(Raiders)和球员
George Moscone ’53 ——加州参议员、旧金山第37任市长
Matt de la Pena ’96 — Newbery Medal-winning author
Julia Engel Berolzheimer ’12 — Founder of Gal Meets Glam
Brad Schumacher ’97, ’05 奥运会冠军:1996年游泳(两届金牌得主)和2000年水球
Hannah Ludwig ’14 — Award-winning mezzo-soprano